The Simpsons

Prank Calls to Moe's Tavern

It follows a short listing of the famous running gag of Bart making Prank Calls to Moe

I.P. Freely | Jacques Strap | Al Coholic | Oliver Clotheoff | Seymour Butts | Homer Sexual | Mike Rotch | Stupid Moron | Hugh Jass | Bea O'Problem | Amanda Huggenkiss | Ivana Tinkle | Anita Bath, Maya Buttreeks | Wayland Smithers | Eura Snotball | Ollie Tabooger | Heywood U. Cuddleme | Elvis Jagger Abdul-Jabbar

Season 1

S01E03 (7G03) - Homer's Odyssee (I.P. Freely)
Moe: Moe's Tavern
Bart: Is Mr. Freely there?
Moe: Who?
Bart: Freely, first initials I.P.
Moe: Hold on, I'll check it. Ehm, is I.P. Freely here? Hey, everybody! I.P. Freely!
...Wait a minute...(Listen to me you lousy bum. When I get a hold of you, you're dead. I swear I'm gonna slice your heart in half.) cut
Homer: You'll get that punk someday, Moe.
Moe: Oh, I don't know.... He's changing his name.

S01E13 (7G06) - Moaning Lisa (Jacques Strap)
Moe: Yeah, Moe's Tavern, Moe's speaking.
Bart: Is Jacques there?
Moe: Who?
Bart: Jacques! Last Name Strap.
Moe: Ehm, hold on. Uh, Jacques Strap! Hey guys, I'm looking for a Jacques Strap!
It's you isn't it ya cowardly little runt? When I get a hold of you, I'm gonna gut you like a fish and drink your blood! (cut)

S01E13 (7G01) - Some enchanted Evening (Al Coholic)
Moe: Moe's Tavern
Bart: Hello, is Al there?
Moe: Al?
Bart: Yeah, Al. Last Name Coholic.
Moe: Let me check. Phone call for Al...Al there an Al Coholic here?
...Wait a minute...Listen, you little yellow-bellied rat jackass, if I ever find out who you are, I'll kill ya!

S01E13 (7G01) - Some enchanted Evening (Oliver Clotheoff)
Moe: Moe's Tavern
Bart: Is Oliver there?
Moe: Who?
Bart: Oliver, Clotheoff.
Moe: Hold on, I'll check. Oliver Clothesoff! Call for Oliver Clothesoff!
Marge is sitting with Homer on the sofa, picking up the second line, to call the babysitter.
Moe: Listen, you lousy bum, if I ever get a hold of you, I swear I'll cut your belly open!
Marge: Goodness, must be a crossed wire.

Season 2

S02E11 (7F11) - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish (Seymour Butz)
Moe: Hello, Moe's Tavern, birthplace of the Rob Roy
Bart: Is Seymour there? Last name Butz.
Moe: Just a sec. Hey, is there a Butz here? Seymour Butz? Hey, everybody, I wanna Seymour Butz!
...Ah, wait a minute...Listen, you little scum-sucking pus-bucket! When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna put out your eyeballs with a corkscrew!

S02E14 (7F15) - Principal Charming (Homer Sexual)
Bart: Hello is Homer there?
Moe: Homer who?
Bart: Homer Sexual.
Moe: Wait one second, let me check. Uh, Homer Sexual? Aw, come on, come on, one of you guys has gotta be Homer Sexual!
Homer: Don't look at me!
Moe: ...Oh, no... You rotten little punk! If I ever get a hold of you, I'll sink my teeth into your cheek and rip your face off!
Skinner: You do what, young man?
Moe: What? Wait? Who is this?
Skinner: I think, the real question is: Who is this and where is Homer Simpson?
Moe: Whoa, whoa, sorry, Principle Skinner, sorry! It's a bad connection, I think! It's for you, Bart's in trouble, I think.
Homer: D'oh!

S02E22 (7F22) - Blood Feud (Mike Rotch)
Moe: Moe's Tavern, where the elite meet to drink.
Bart: Ah, yeah, is Mike there? Last name Rotch.
Moe: Hold on, I'll check. Mike Rotch! Mike Rotch! Hey, has anybody seen Mike Rotch lately?
...Listen to me, you little puke. One of these days, I'm going to catch you, and I'm going to carve my name on your back with an ice pick!

Season 3

S03E07 (8F02) - Treehouse of Horror II - The Bart Zone (I'm a stupid moron...)
Bart: Phone! (Mrs. Krapabble brings the phone on a plate)
Moe: Moe's Tavern?
... Hold on, I'll check. Uh, hey, everybody! I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt ...oh, wait a minute...

S03E10 (7G01) - Flaming Moe's (Hugh Jass)
Moe: Flaming Moe's?
Bart: Ah, yes, I'm looking for a friend of mine, last name Jass, first name Hugh?
Moe: Ah, hold on, I'll check. Uh, Hugh Jass? Oh, somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass!
Jass: Uhm, I'm Hugh Jass!
Moe: Telephone.
Jass: Hello, this is Hugh Jass!
Bart: Uhm, hi!
Jass: Who is this?
Bart: Bart Simpson!
Jass: What can I do for you, Bart?
Bart: Ah, look, this is a prank call that sort of backfired and I'd like to bail out right now.
Jass: Allright, better luck next time. What a nice young man.

S03E11 (8F09) - Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk (Bea O'Problem)
Moe: Moe's Tavern, Moe's speaking.
Bart: Eh, yes, I'm looking for a Mrs. O'Problem, first name Bea.
Moe: Ah, yeah, just a minute, I'll check. Ah, Bea O'Problem! Bea O'Problem! Come on, guys, do I have a Bea O'Problem here?
Barney: You sure do!
Moe:'s you, isn't it? Listen, you. When I get a hold of you, I'm going to use your head for a bucket and paint my house with your brains!
Marge: Bart, I want you to go down to Moe's Tavern. I need you to bring your father home.
Bart (in the Tavern): Excuse me, I'm looking for...
Moe: Wait a minute! I know that voice! ... If it isn't little Bart Simpson, I haven't seen you in years.
Bart: That's right! That's my pap!
Moe: Oh little Bart, we all here about you monkey shines. But you get into all kind of trouble he don't even know about, am I right? Am I right?
Bart: Well, I make some prank phone calls.
Moe: Ahaha, thats great!

Season 4

S04E08 (9F06) - New Kid on the Block (Amanda Huggenkiss)
Moe: Yeah, just a sec, I'll check. Uh, Amanda Huggenkiss? Hey, I'm looking for Amanda Huggenkiss! Ah, why can't I find Amanda Huggenkiss?
Barney: Maybe your standards are too high!
Moe: You little S.O.B.! Why, when I find out who you are, I'm going to shove a sausage down your throat and stick starving dogs in your butt!
Bart: My name is Jimbo Jones and I live at 1094 Evergreen Terrace.
Moe: Ah ha! Big mistake, Pal! I knew he'd slip-up sooner or later. (picks a knife) Ah yes, rusty and dull. Barney, don't steal any beer while I'm gone!
Barney: What kind of pathetic drunk you take me for? Huh? Somebody spilled beer in this ashtray! *slurp*

S04E08 (9F06) - New Kid on the Block (Ivana Tinkle)
Laura: Hello, I'd like to speak to Mrs. Tinkle. First name Ivana.
Moe: Ivana Tinkle? Just a sec! Ivana Tinkle? Ivana Tinkle? Right, everybody, put down your glasses, Ivana Tinkle!

Season 6

S06E21 (2F19) - The PTA Disbands (Anita Bath, Maya Buttreeks)
Moe (in Bart's class): OK, when I call your name, uh, you say "present" or "here". Er, no, say "present". Ahem, Anita Bath?
...All right, settle down. Anita Bath here?... All right, fine, fine. Maya Buttreeks!
...Hey, what are you laughing at? What? Oh, oh, I get it, I get it. It's my big ears, isn't it, kids? Isn't it? Well, children, I can't help that!

Season 7

S07E17 (3F14) - Homer the Smithers (Wayland Smithers)
Burns: I've seen people activate this machine a thousand times. Doesn't seem to be any trick to it. Lets see: Smithers, S-M-I-T-H-E-R-S...success its ringing!
Moe: Moe's Tavern
Burns: I'm looking for a Mr. Smithers, first name Wayland
Moe: Oh, so, you're looking for a Mr. Smithers, eh? First name Wayland, is it? Listen to me, you; when I catch you, I'm gonna pull out your eyes and shove 'em down your pants, so you can watch me kick the crap outta you, okay? Then I'm gonna use your tongue to paint my boat!

S07E20 (3F17) - Bart on the Road (Eura Snotball)
Homer: OK, ask me anything!
Lisa: Who do you love most? Me, Bart or Maggie?
Homer: D'oh, alright, dare!
Lisa: OK, why don't you....
Homer: Hello, I'd like to speak with a Mr. Snotball, first name Eura.
Moe: Eura Snotball?
Homer: What? How dare you! If I find out who this is, I'll staple a flag to your butt and mail you to Iran!

Season 13

S13E02 (CABF20) - Homer the Moe (Ollie Tabooger)
Homer: Mjello?
Bart: Uh, yeah, I'd like to speak to a Mr. Tabooger, first name Ollie
Homer: Ooh, Bart, my first prank call! What do I do?
Bart: Just ask if anyone knows Ollie Tabooger
Homer: I don't get it
Bart: Yell out "All eat a booger"
Homer: What's the gag?
Bart: Oh, forget it...

Season 14

S14E05 (DABF21) - Helter Shelter (Heywood U. Cuddleme)
Moe: Telegram for Heywood U. Cuddleme! Heywood U. Cuddleme? Big guy in the back, Heywood U. Cuddleme?
Oh, that little, ooh...
...(by telegraph) I'm gonna drive a golden spike where your Union meets your Central Pacific! stop!

Season 15

S15E20 (FABF13) - The Way We Weren't (Elvis Jagger Abdul-Jabbar)
Marge: I'd like to speak to Elvis Jagger Abdul-Jabbar.
Moe: Hey, don't you try and prank me with a fake name. I will rip out your intestines and use them to make a lanyard! Hello? Hello? Ooh...and that's the origin of that.